
16-02-2009 at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital by Tustimohan Krsna das.

Diary of HH Jayapataka Swami on 16-02-2009 at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital on
Monday program.

As per today, the activities of HH Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaja, are as
usual normal, with physiotherapies and doctors checking etc. The main
activity or the highlight of the day was at night, were GM gave a special
lecture to the devotees at the Hospital.

He was visited by many devotees between 6pm and 7pm, including a devotee
from Mathuradesh his name is Divyakeshava das, who told about the preaching
there and the last Rathayatra festival and how they were expecting
Gurumaharaja to participate in this big festival.